Authorized maintenance centers
CairoElamericy  Elalmany center + Magic air +Cairo services
AlexandriaCrystal center for maintainance
BeheiraTechno cure
Al-SharqiaHigh tech
QalyubiaU tech
DakahliaElbatal +Teba
GharbiyaEldelta group +Elbatal + Engaz
North CoastCrystal center for maintainance+ Magic air
Kafr El-SheikhElmohtarfeen
DamiettaElmohtarfeen +Teba
Ain SokhnaElhana
SuezElhana + Q tech
MinyaElwatanya + Younan center
New ValleyElwatanya
MatrouhMagic air+ Elgeheny
El GounaInternational refrigeration center
HurghadaInternational refrigeration center
Sharm El-ShaikhQ tech
Ras Gharib3 M
SohagElectric shop
AswanAl assal
Port SaidQ tech + El araby
IsmailiaQ tech
Bani SweifAdel Center
MenoufiaRoaaya +El batal + El amricia  Al italya
LuxorMarc center
Ras SidrQ tech
QenaSpring center
To request installation and maintenance, please choose one of the following methods:
  1. By calling the hotline 15738
  2. By calling or sending a message on WhatsApp to the following numbers 01287992000 – 01288992000 – 01283992000 – 01205400559
  3. Call the technical support land numbers: 035430057 – 035224711 – 035224710
  4. Book an appointment for installation or maintenance through the installation and maintenance service using the corresponding form.

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